Thursday, August 3, 2017
Tooth whitening
Tooth whitening results in a very attractive and beautiful effect that can be achieved without removing any part of the structure of the tooth. It should be known that no radical change in color is possible. There is a lighter tone on the base color of the tooth. There are different reasons why people want to whiten their teeth. People are different and, as different hair colors, the color of the skin, so is the color and the shade of the teeth. There are very few people who have very white teeth, and you should know that with age, changing the color of teeth, become darker. Teeth can be darkened by a number of factors such as food and beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries. In addition, smoking also results in darkening of the teeth. The tooth is part of the factors that affect the color of the teeth. Many people are undergoing regular antibiotic treatment, which in most cases results in a change in color.
Professional teeth whitening is the most effective way to achieve a whiter teeth. If you have decided to whiten your teeth, you should consult your dentist who will explain to you about the procedure itself. Your dentist should assess whether your teeth are suitable for bleaching therapy. The main active ingredient in bleaching agents is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. When the active ingredient decomposes, the oxygen enters the tooth enamel and makes the color of the tooth look lighter.
The entire teeth whitening procedure can be completed in three to four weeks. Initially two or three visits to your dentist are needed. To carry out the procedure, the brace made specifically for your teeth is used on fingerprints taken in advance. The latest procedures can also be carried out at home, by yourself. Only regular use of the balls filled with the whitening gel is required for about 3-4 weeks. Apply for about 30 minutes to an hour a day. New products are already on the market that can be applied to the teeth for about 8 hours during sleep. They also lead to a faster effect.
Many dental surgeries today also offer teeth whitening through a laser. Bleaching by this method is done by the dental specialist only and the result is achieved much faster. Laser whitening can lighten the color of your teeth with 5-6 tons.
The duration of the effect of dental lightening is too individual. It can last from one to three years, but the effect is much shorter in smoking, when drinking beverages and foods that affect the color of the teeth.
Many patients whose teeth are bleached report their teeth sensitivity to cold products and beverages. These sensations are observed during or after the procedure itself. Others report discomfort in their gums, burning throat or white spots on the mucous membrane. These symptoms are often temporary and should disappear within a few days after the completion of your teeth whitening course. If any of these symptoms persist, then it is advisable to consult your dentist. It is important that you have a long lasting effect and that you can enjoy your beautiful smile longer, take care of it. You should reduce or avoid foods and beverages that may stain your teeth, reduce or stop smoking.
Heart changes its activity in the summer
When summer is at its peak, it is especially important to enjoy the benefits and the positives of the sun, to know well the risks it carries. The cardiovascular system is very sensitive and fluctuations in temperature, atmospheric pressure, the amount of water and electrolytes in the body can affect its activity. Even a fully healthy heart has difficulty in the heat of the summer season. Everyone can feel instant breathlessness, chest weight, blood pressure fluctuations, heart rate increase. In people with acute or chronic cardiac distress this is much more common.
How do high temperatures affect the cardiovascular system?
Large temperature amplitudes reflect the tone of the blood vessels. While on the one hand they enlarge the arteries, the heat leads on the other hand to a spasm of the capillaries and veins. This leads to variations in blood pressure and increases the risk of hypertonic and hypotonic crises, strokes, heart attacks or other healthcare symptoms. In the summer season, hormone levels that directly affect heart activity (for example, thyroid hormones) change. High temperatures cause the skin to expand in order to cool, but dehydration may occur. This, along with total body dehydration due to inadequate fluid intake, results in "blood compression", load pumping function of the heart, and increases the risk of thrombus formation.
Apart from the climatic features, the summer season is associated with typical summer holidays. Excess or lack of sleep changes the rhythm of metabolism. Insufficient rest creates heart and vessel stress, increasing the risk of heart attack, hypertonic crises, arrhythmias. Excessive sleep, in turn, favors hyperlipidemia, obesity and diabetes. Alcohol, even in small quantities, increases the risk of rhythm disturbances. The most common is atrial fibrillation. Scented and cold beverages are very unfavorable to heart rhythm, irritating the so-called sinus node from where electrical impulses originate. It is desirable to receive hot or slightly chilled liquids and never icy.
What heart disease is dangerous for hot weather?
• The most seriously threatened people with rhythm-conduction disorders. In case of intense sweating, valuable electrolytes are lost which affect the occurrence and conduction of electrical impulses. Particular care should be taken by people taking multiple medications, one of which is a diuretic.
• Patients with arterial hypertension are also affected by the summer season. Despite the general decline in blood counts, frequent fluctuations, even hypertonic crises, are often reported. This is determined both by the high temperatures and the loss of liquids.
• Ischemic heart disease suffers frequent angina attacks during the summer season. This is also helped by atypical loads that one causes the summer. Such are transitions to nature, climbing of mountain routes, long swimming in water, heavy repair or agricultural activities.
What are the recommendations for heart patients as well as everyone else?
• The intake of liquids should be about 1.5 l of activity, of course, tailored to the patient's weight, physical activity, feeling thirsty. Deficiency leads to dehydration, and surplus to volume load on the heart. It's good, except water, to drink aryan, fruit juices, cold tea.
• Do not take any medications or reduce them without a doctor's recommendation
• Food should be light and vegetarian because the meat leads to additional warming of the body and damages the metabolism. Do not overdo alcohol and carbonated beverages.
• Avoid walks and outdoor work in the hottest and sunniest hours of the day. It is desirable to do before 12 and after 17 hours, especially in the elderly.
• Patients with heart disease should avoid severe physical stresses in warm weather, and long stays do or do not bend.
• If fainting, palpitations, blackouts, tinnitus, weight in the heartbeat are to be immediately discontinued, go to a cool place and the body calms down. If complaints do not reduce to seek medical help.
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