Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vitamin C is not medicine

Medicine Vitamins
In recent years, there were indeed quite messages, contrary to allegations healing capabilities of Vitamin C. In the article in the British Journal "Times" is a story about sensational discovery of doctors from the University Laysestar Lechestshir in the county. Data on their standard dose of a widely advertised antiheart ilnesses means Vitamin C body not to prevention and deepening of certain diseases. Burden of research on 30 healthy men and women were divided into two groups: 6 over 6 weeks one group received daily Vitamin C, and the other - something harmless form of the same Vitamin. The first group felt much better in the second and all well to reach the daily dose of 500 mg of Vitamin C.
With increasing the dose above 500 mg appeared problems. In 600 mg of wonderful vitamin in the blood increase the amount of free radicals, destroyed DNA. This, in turn, may become a reason for cancer, for heart disease and accelerated aging. S0Supporters of vitamin C always focus mainly on the property to its associated radioactive radicals that can cause destruction (oxidation) of genetic material (DNA) of humans and lead to aging. But test results of English scientists, published in the magazine "Neychar", practical destroys the well known ideas about vitamin C. Group of thirty completely healthy volunteers receiving traditional therapeutic dose of 500 mg ascorbic acid per day. Then their leykocites (white blood cells) are tested for specific markers appearing in the blood in oxidation of DNA. If vitamin C actually stand for-oxidative processes in the body, then their concentration theoretically should decline. In fact, different things stood. Concentration of oxyguanin actually decreasing, but oxyadenin increased. After the volunteers stopped intake of vitamins for several weeks, the quantities of one and the other 6 tag blood reached normal.

The plate diet will decrease your weight with 20-25 kg for one year

Man on Diet
Decreasing of weight should be done constantly and slowly to have the healthy effect. SO the good choice for this is the plate diet. If the daily calorific value of your menu is composed of 50-60% complex carbohydrates, 25-35% fats and 10-20% protein can salutations. You eat balanced. It is not necessary to accurately calculate all their food substances 6. Take advantage of the so-called model of the plate. This model will suggest what kind of products and in what proportion should be your portions. And will weaken. So, take a very simple dish or a court and mentally divide it into four parts. Half of the court must be taken in the vegetables - fresh, cooked, stew - with very little oil. One quarter of the dish - cooked cereals, potatoes, pasta, seasoned with skim sauce. Another quarter of the plate must be occupied by food - not fatty pieces of meat, fish, marine products, bean products. This part should be no more than 100 years with dinner drink skimmed milk, ayran, nesladak tea or water. Maybe 1 -2 affiliates whole bread.

What we will be - fat or thin, depends from the genes.

Girl Diet
How we will look - fat or slim is "dictated" by genes. They "indicate" in what areas and how much will accumulate extra fatty layer under the body of every person. According to Ronald Kahn, head of research Croatian medical school, the genetic program of the body determined largely figure and is responsible for weight. On this he studied that people are programmed to increase weight or to decrease it. They have designated 12 gene affecting various places in the body, which accumulate fat.
Matthias Bloom and Stefania Geste from the University of Leipzig have been conducted to study the presence of genes for fatting as in people with normal and overweight. During the experiment, they are monitored and subcutaneous and internal fat. According to researchers excess weight and the distribution of fat in the body signal risk in time to break diabetes or any disease of the cardiovascular system. "The results of our study helps to understand how the extra weight appears" says Matthias Bloom. With new knowledge in this area receive Science new benchmarks in the treatment of obesity. Scientist indicated that 60 to 70 percent of the inhabitants of the earth are genetically profile to support increasing weight. Until then the only opportunity to correct medication is beyond the combination of efficient nutrition with engine load, remind specialists.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to stop increasing weight during the winter

Girl Fitness
Many bidding weight in the winter - and women and men. And it - usually - at the end of winter. The cause is not hormonal. In cold weather the body requires more energy. Man instinctively eat more, with greater calories products, then dress in the heat. In our winter menu naturally have less salads, vegetables and fruit. And they are just food fats that help to degrade more quickly and do not accumulate in the abdomen and thighs. And less moving. When cold avoid going to walk. Less energy is spent, and this further decrease fat. Bidding bad influences of self. And not only him. Violating exchange is in the brain received alarming signals from various authorities. Additional load of bad influences spine, joints of the feet, heart, thyroid gland. Not restrict much food! Only one-third less fat. Create a more severe regime of movement, do physical exercises in half an hour zkashti 2 -3 times a day. And do not buy their products to weaken. You do not need them.

Winter diseases are hitting kidneys

Winter diseases
Acute glomerulonephritis affects men more often, medical statistics show. The disease usually develops after infection (sore throat, scarlet fever). Classic symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis are swelling, increased blood pressure, changes in the urine. However, in recent years, often marked only changes in urine - uretic syndrome. Characterized by the appearance of protein in the urine. Recognition of acute glomerulonephritis, without the presence of symptoms such as high blood pressure, swelling and visible to the eye changes in urine is difficult because patients complain only of a general weakness, increased fatigue, dull pain in the lumbar area.
However, when such symptoms that occurred after they spent infectious diseases, easier to diagnose the presence of acute glomerulonephritis. The situation can be clarified by clinical analysis of urine. Occurrence in younger patients edema, high blood pressure, headache - significantly strengthens suspected acute glomerulonephritis. Picture of acute glomerulonephritis may occur with shortness of breath, palpitation, increased thirst, nausea, vomiting. The amount of individual urine is reduced. In the blood can increase the nitrogen content of toxins. Patients suffering from acute glomerulonephritis, are subject to compulsory hospitalization and treatment in hospital. Implementation of treatment at home or samolechenieto is completely unacceptable, since there is a risk of serious complications threatening the life of the patient.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mushrooms should be included in our meal

They are rich in vitamins, minerals and vlaknini. Mushroom is the most popular edible mushroom and a pocket of each person. The best is that they can be consumed all year round. It is low, only 15 cal. of 100 gr. it is consisting minimum amount of carbohydrates and protein, and fat almost are missing. Mushrooms give us enough vlacnins. The classification of minerals is headed by the iron, which makes it suitable for people with a shortage of this mineral. The mushrooms also contains iodine, selenium and zinc. Minimum content of sodium and high potassium makes them especially useful for people with high blood pressure.
Also interesting facts about mushrooms are:
1. In mushrooms can be found fewer vitamins and minerals from fresh vegetables. Overconsume should be preserved with mushrooms, because it contains 20 times more salt than fresh.
2.The darkened should scatter with lemon
3.They can be stored in olive oil

Apple is so important for our health

Kid Apple
Moreover pectin and pectic substances apple contains organic acids, sugars and polyvalents and many more good substances inside. The pectin have decreased to their highest level in the holesterol in the blood. Two apples a day may reduce by 1 / 3 holesterin amount in the body. Apple contains over 20 different mineral substances. The highest potassium content is (115 mg. of 100 gr. apples). This mineral remove excess water in the body. Regular consumption of apples protects the body from infections. Thanks to the apple fruit acid is easily smilaema. The apple fructose sharply increases the level of blood sugar. Nutritionists recommend to weaken apples in combination with other foods such as apples and rice, apples and potatoes. Preparation of jams, marmalades, jellies allows us to consume them throughout the year.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The healthy features of the eggs

Eggs Diet
Recently claimed that eggs raise cholesterol and lead to cardiovascular diseases. However, recent studies show that this is not true. Even on - eggs contain many useful substances, vitamins, oligo-elements, proteins that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
Eggs indeed contain fat, but they are unsaturated and are needed for a properly balanced diet. Fat, which in large amounts of damage to health are saturated fat sausages, butter, cream and red meat and trans-saturated, resulting in the industrial processing of food. Besides that do not contain saturated fats and not harm the arteries in eggs also has antioxidants, protein and choline.
Antioxidants, such as karotinat that gives the yellow color of yolk and vitamins of the group, help for the destruction of free radicals and slow down the aging of cells. Protein in egg white and are important to build all cells in the body and mostly muscle. Holinat substance necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. The recommended amount according to the American Association for the prevention of heart disease is one egg per day. Should not be concerned by the avian flu - enough to showgirl egg 7 min to completely eliminate the virus of the disease. He died in the heat treatment above 70 degrees for several minutes.

What are the physiological functions of water?

Girl Water
Water is considered an indispensable food source, because it must be consumed from external sources to meet the needs of the metabolism. Approximately 60 - 70% of our weight is water. Water is a catalyst of many enzymatic reactions including those involved in digestion, absorption, transport and metablizam. Water is needed to facilitate kidney dropping of waste outside the body. Lubrication helps the joining, protects internal organs and maintain body temperature normal. Insufficient intake of water hinders cell function by provoking the electrolyte imbalance - reducing the volume of plasma and unable to regulirene body temperature.
What factors influence the availability of water in the body?
Most individuals do not consume enough water until the moment in which feel thirst. At this point, however, body fluids fell well below the level necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
On average, our body loses 2 liters of water per day. Loss increases in:
• exercise
• Heat time
• Low humidity
• high altitude

What should I eat - delicious or healthy?

Healthy Food
Taste criteria in the selection of food is one of the main factors for the overall success of the diet. It is support for the psyche exposed to stress and should not be overlooked. Harmless looking diet may destroyed emotionally strong mental athletes, and more sensitive to bring to depression. Do not stop to look for food while not find something useful while tasty.
How to distribute the food in your daily food plan?
Must first have a clearly divided food plan. It should have calculated your daily needs for calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Down in the form of questions listed factors that must comply before choosing the right prescription for you.
How to find something healthy to eat, where most dishes take much time to prepare or cook damn difficult?
Not exactly! There are many delicious and easy to prepare meals to meet your fitness menu!
What tells us a prescription?
Each recipe contains: List of products needed for the preparation of food
Recommendation: Do not use recipes in which the exact weight of the products is not marked. Target selection of recipes to set a final food composition. Preparation of guidelines, you can learn:
Approximately how long will it take to prepare food
Complicated given you prepare food - any kind of culinary heat treatment, further complicates preparation
How food is preserved composition of products after gotovoti serve food - any kind of culinary heat treatment takes valuable substances from food.
Recommendation: adhere to the dishes require little time for preparation, with two types of heat treatment of food, so you can prepare food more quickly, more easily and to better advantage of its valuable components. Freezing and cooling also cause loss of valuable substances in plant foods. Our than "Time for preparation," Products "and" preparation "there are four-point additions". "Food composition" gives you information about content of useful substances in food. Energy equivalence "- indicating how much energy released in your body listed in the nutritional composition" substances. In the section "Recommendations", you can find many useful tips, plugs for absorption of food for the value of the food composition and the best time for consumption. The latest addition "Place of food in the menus of different diet, your suggests specialized information. It will be very useful if you have created your food regime as recommended by the publication our food strategies, or are established to which strategy is near your food sosbtven approach.