Friday, February 27, 2009

Beauty Tips for Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin is mostly to women with light hair and skin, blue or green eyes. Sensitive skin is particularly susceptible to cosmetics, internal stress and external aggression. It produces very little fat, there is a thin horny layer and a little pigment.
A dry skin is sensitive, because it is a violation of local surface layer and the imbalance in the lipid layer of horns. However, sensitive skin can be oily. Typical symptoms are soreness sensitivity, turn red, burning, itching, a feeling of tension and peeling. They can be proyavat as a response to any cosmetics under stress or because of external factors such as cold, strong sun, air pollution and others. Sensitive skin is intolerant to most cosmetic products. Especially the person that is rich of blood and easy to penetrate the layer of its horns.
Sensitive skin may be damaged easily from cosmetics, Temperature changes - cold, warm and dry air, high and low temperatures, too hot and cold water, strong sunlight, etc.
If you have sensitive skin, do not use cosmetics with flavorings and preservatives, alcohol, retinol, peeling masks and products with a strong tightening effect. Choose cosmetics specifically designed for sensitive skin - contains no dyes in large quantities does not cause inflammatory and allergic reactions.
In autumn and winter, cosmetics for sensitive skin must be more dense texture, enriched with additional substances to protect against cold and wind.
In the spring and summer cosmetics for sensitive skin should take care of the soaking of the skin and protects it from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Overweight can bring to cancer

This year World Day for Combating Cancer, which mark the February 4, was devoted to the problem of obesity in children as a prerequisite for malignancy in later life. The campaign motto is "I love my healthy active childhood" 2009 is the second year of four of the International Union plan to combat cancer, "Children today are the world tomorrow."
According to the World Health Organization about 1 billion people worldwide are overweight, while nearly 300 million of them it is a medical condition. In the 30-45 million children aged between 5 and 17 years obesity has affection. Bulgaria is one of the first places in obesity in children. One fifth of them are overweight. The main reason for the statistic is sadly unhealthy way of eating and high calories menu. Other culprits are sedentary lifestyles that lead our children, their low motor activity and lack of time and their desire for sport. February 4 on the occasion of the Association of patients with malignancy arrange a meeting with the Minister of Health Dr. Evgenii Zhelev. The aim was to promote the implementation of antirakovata program through the initiation of screening for the three most common and relatively easy to detect and treat locations, breast cancer, a colon and cervical.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Abdominal pain is dangerous symptom

Woman Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain are among the most common complaints that patients visit the doctor's office. To find the reason to proper diagnosis and to help is a complex task, requiring significant experience in medicine. Because abdominal pain can be caused by diseases that are not within the scope of a medical specialty.

1. Gastroenterology
Pain in upper abdomen most often symptoms of other diseases of the digestive organs. They relate ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, and holetsistit disease, pancreatitis, colitis, disease, Ron Pain atc. may have a different character - sharp, puncture, cutting, dull, may occur after food intake after physical exercise or emotional stress. The doctor usually puts a preliminary diagnosis to be confirmed or rejected after research row. Diagnostic arsenal of gastroenterology is quite rich. Its present endoscopic and retgenologic study of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasonic diagnosis of the organs in the abdominal area, and other laboratory tests.

2. Gynecology
Pain in lower abdomen first to suggest inflammation. It can be confirmed by the increased level of leukocites. So make tests to establish the cause of the infection. It is to be done and ultrasonic diagnostics. In most cases, inflammatory processes in the small pelvis are connected to exacerbate acute or chronic infections. They gonokoki, chlamydia, trihomoni, mycoplasmas, etc. ureplasmas. Here the task of the physician to determine the causes of pain: acute or chronic appendicitis or gynecological disease. Furthermore, pain in the abdomen may be a signal for endometriosis - a disease in which specialized tissues (epithelium), normally only stretch cavity of the uterus (endometrium) is found in other areas of the body, most often in the uterine tubes, ovaries or bladder. When improperly placed or inappropriate inside uterus contraceptives may also appear pain or discomfort. We must not forget that there are women for whom these contraceptives are contraindicated. Tubal pregnancy is also a serious problem nowadays. Should not be underestimated and stomach pain during the monthly cycle, because every unsolved exacerbate chronic disease in this period.

3. Manual medicine
Pain can be as varied as the diverse life. Often the source of the jar is located at a distance from where the pain occurs. Often the source may be explained, baptism department spine. Destruction of disks affect nerve endings of the spinal cord and causes pain not only in length but also in the lower part of abdomen. Often this occurs after severe pregnancy or childbirth. Happened and the pain in the abdomen to prevail, and the cross is weak or even absent. This causes serious diagnostic difficulties of doctors, so in the manual therapist fall after patients failed treatment in gastroenterology or gynecologist.

Ecological Lifestyl is equals to beautiful skin

woman skin
It is known that can not live without the aging. Actually this process is irrevocable part of our lives and events are numerous. Cosmetic point of view they are the most visible on the skin, which affects everything that happens in the human organism. Require special attention and disability caused by external factors. The more serious the fight is with them, the more demonstratively this will affect the appearance. Strategy to effectively counteract aging is built on two main pillars - adequate daily care for the skin and systemically healthy eating. But to pass for some time aging of the skin, it is necessary not only to do anything useful for it, but to avoid all that her injury. For this purpose, you might reconsider seriatim habits and perhaps with the help of the following questions will reach concrete conclusions,
• Do you smoke?
• Do you consume alcohol every day?
• Do you drink more juice than mineral water?
• Does exposure to excessive sunlight without photoprotection?
• Do you often covered the main signs of stress - anger, tension, fear, depression, excessive fatigue, exhaustion, etc.?
• Easy you reach for medications even when you can safely go without them?
• The foods you irregular?
• Do you eat more suhoezhbina "instead of a full meal?
• Often you snatch sweet things?
• Do you accept too many high fat food?
• When you eat slowly you chew or swallow food quickly?
• Do you have dinner later?
• Do not sleep too little?
So, our questions and your answers. If they are sincere revelation and motivate you to adopt the so-called. environmental lifestyle, not only will enjoy healthy and beautiful skin without wrinkles, but will have the link key to long life.