Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Abdominal obesity

Girl Abdominal
The results of ADAGIO-Lipids study suggests that rimonabant significantly improves cardiovascular and metabolic risk markers, such as reduced intra-abdominal, and liver fat content in patients with abdominal obesity. The study was published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. Its purpose was to investigate the effects of rimonabant on kardiometabolitni multiple risk factors in 803 patients with obesity and low HDL and high triglycerides levels. Participants were randomized to rimonabant 20 mg daily or placebo for one years. 231 patients were subjected to computed tomography to determine endokanabinoidniya effect on visceral and liver fat content. Dr. Jean-Pierre Despres and colleagues (Hopital Laval Research Centre) stressed that liver fat is a major metabolic risk factor that is independent of visceral fat.
Treatment with rimonabant resulted in significant increases in HDL-cholesterol by 7.4 percent compared to the base and reduce triglyceride levels by 18%. Active treatment led to lower LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein A1, B, HDL2, HDL3, C-reactive protein and adiponektin. Patients in the active group observed a reduction of abdominal subcutaneous fat by 5.1%, and visceral fat - 10.1 percent compared with placebo. Systolic blood pressure in these patients decreased on average by 3.3 mm Hg, and diastolichnoto - with 2.4 mm Hg versus placebo group. The safety profile of rimonabant was favorable and similar to profiles found in previous studies. The study supports the theory that obesity is not a major problem, and where fat is located. The liver is rich in endokanabinoidni receptors effectively blocked by rimonabant, thus reducing liver fat. Rimonabant should not be viewed as another blockbuster * against obesity. This is a preparation to be used in the correct patient, and this is the patient with abdominal obesity and liver!

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