Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Apple is so important for our health

Kid Apple
Moreover pectin and pectic substances apple contains organic acids, sugars and polyvalents and many more good substances inside. The pectin have decreased to their highest level in the holesterol in the blood. Two apples a day may reduce by 1 / 3 holesterin amount in the body. Apple contains over 20 different mineral substances. The highest potassium content is (115 mg. of 100 gr. apples). This mineral remove excess water in the body. Regular consumption of apples protects the body from infections. Thanks to the apple fruit acid is easily smilaema. The apple fructose sharply increases the level of blood sugar. Nutritionists recommend to weaken apples in combination with other foods such as apples and rice, apples and potatoes. Preparation of jams, marmalades, jellies allows us to consume them throughout the year.

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