Monday, January 19, 2009

The healthy features of the eggs

Eggs Diet
Recently claimed that eggs raise cholesterol and lead to cardiovascular diseases. However, recent studies show that this is not true. Even on - eggs contain many useful substances, vitamins, oligo-elements, proteins that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
Eggs indeed contain fat, but they are unsaturated and are needed for a properly balanced diet. Fat, which in large amounts of damage to health are saturated fat sausages, butter, cream and red meat and trans-saturated, resulting in the industrial processing of food. Besides that do not contain saturated fats and not harm the arteries in eggs also has antioxidants, protein and choline.
Antioxidants, such as karotinat that gives the yellow color of yolk and vitamins of the group, help for the destruction of free radicals and slow down the aging of cells. Protein in egg white and are important to build all cells in the body and mostly muscle. Holinat substance necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. The recommended amount according to the American Association for the prevention of heart disease is one egg per day. Should not be concerned by the avian flu - enough to showgirl egg 7 min to completely eliminate the virus of the disease. He died in the heat treatment above 70 degrees for several minutes.

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